Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Actually - And Other Big Girl Updates

Chase used the word "actually" for the first time today. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, but she used it like she's been saying it her entire life.

The other thing I noticed is she is now able to use the water colors without mixing the colors together. Amazing. She carefully washes her brush after she's done with each color.

And I don't think I've mentioned how fascinated she is with words. I hear, "What does this say?" all the time. She also *writes* letters and notes all the time.

And finally, she is SO proactive in sharing. I am amazed. She shares everything. She sets aside animal crackers for Hubs. She shares her dinner. Her breakfast. Her snack. Her toys. Maybe that's what kids do that have been uprooted so many times - because they don't have a chance to have ownership over anything.

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