Friday, December 16, 2011


I have been super quiet. Too quiet. Just trying to keep up with what life has been throwing in my direction. Mads had pneumonia. Helper was flat out sick for an entire week. Chase got bronchitis. I got bronchitis. Hubs was dropped in rugby and is now contemplating knee surgery, or maybe walking across the Sahara desert (sometimes it's hard to decide what to do). And no, I'm not kidding.

And because it's December, both girls have had numerous school functions and activities associated with Christmas. International Christmas cards were put on hold this year (sorry friends!); grandparents will have to settle on belated Christmas gifts. I almost pulled off everything (including homemade peppermint marshmallows, lollypops and gingerbread men), but then I got sick and totally spaced on getting teacher's gifts, so I suppose the New Years Penguin will have to make an appearance (he is extremely helpful if Santa forgets something).

I was able to take some pictures from Madoc's school fair. Chase's school fair was big, busy and I had to keep my eye on both girls, who really wanted to be in different places.

Madoc was so happy to have a butterfly on her face that she insisted I paint a butterfly on her face every day (not kidding here, either) for a week.

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