Thursday, November 12, 2009

The New Madsy And Cars, Cars, Cars

Madsy used the toilet today. Unbelievable. She also stood, unaided, for a couple minutes, like it was no big thing. Next thing you know she's going to be walking and talking.

Also today, we went to a kiddy consignment shop, to pick up a few toys for our upcoming trip South. One of the things I picked-up was a bag of cars. Chase has now been playing with them for over an hour. She has named them. Rainbowsill (a red race car with a red, blue and white stripe down the front), Fireworld (an orange car), Woopin (a green car), Taxi of the Rainbow, Woopin-Patoofin, Waxi-Potaxi and AnnieLove (a red car).

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