Yesterday a.m., Great Granny Annie passed away. And while she is Hub's grand mother, she became my grand mother, as I met her 14 years ago - she helped plan our (gorgeous) wedding, which was held in her church in Mobile, Alabama. She was always so kind, so welcoming and so generous. She was strong, smart and beautiful and absolutely committed to supporting her husband, her family and her community.
One of the hardest things about living abroad is the distance from family - in good times and bad. I am so grateful for all the memories and will treasure them; passing them down to the girls when they are old enough to remember. This is the third grand mother I have lost - my mum and dad's being the first two to go. And it strikes me deeply, as a daughter and a mother, the bonds women share and pass down through generations.
One memory I will always cherish is when I mistakenly threw a damp towel over her rocking chair and it left a big, wet mark (which much to my relief eventually dried and became invisible) - but before it did, I started to cry, thinking I had ruined her rocking chair. And she comforted me, telling me "don't cry over anything that can't cry over you."
I find solace in the fact that the last time I saw her, I told her how much I loved her, how much she meant to me, and how grateful I was for her kindness.
And dearest Chase and Madoc, while you might not actually remember her, I hope this post serves to remind you later in life of how much she loved you.