Then we made strawberry cake (with real strawberries) with strawberry frosting (strawberry puree), with Angelina Ballerina on top. Not the prettiest cake, but very tasty!
When Daddy got home, we opened presents and served-up cake...
Big sister found it VERY difficult to 1) not micro-manage the entire day (hmm, where did she get that from?) and 2) not open Madsie's gifts herself. That is why we also got her a gift, to thank her for being such a great big sister for 3 years!
Here is big sister trying hard not to blow out Madoc's candles...
Make a wish ...
First there was barbie ...
Then there was sizzles!
Then cake and sizzles ...
Sizzles! And a Barbie dining room set from mom and dad. Even though I swore up and down to myself that I would not buy (1) plastic, or (2) barbie. Oh well.
I love this picture ... oh sizzles, you are cute!
Jojo gave her a lovely gift of Snow White!
From there, we went off to dinner, where Madoc ordered Macaroni & Cheese (Madoc-a-roni and Chase as we call it in our home). And before she went to bed, she set up Snow White and Barbie at their little plastic dining room table, set out plenty of little plastic food and then carried sizzles up to bed.
Happy Birthday, Madoc. You are a shining star. You are a smart, sweet and beautiful little girl. We are so proud of you for all that you are and all that you do. We love you forever and always, no matter what.