The next two weeks are going to be pretty hectic - so updates may be few and far between.
In a nutshell, we have a week to explore Europe (we decided to drive to Aix en Provence as Brian's passport was confiscated by the Chinese embassy - so flying anywhere is definitely out - a shame, because we were thinking about doing a tour of Eastern Europe). We then have one day to pack. The next day the movers arrive. Next, we stuff as much as we can into the car and drive back to London (by way of Luxembourg and Brugge, Belgium).
We will stay in London for three nights before flying to Singapore. From there, Brian will fly on to China - stay there for about a week - scout it out. Turns out that getting an entry visa for Chase and I proved harder then originally thought - so we will take in the Singapore sights.
Dagney, our dearest kitty, is taking a break from the craziness and flying to Portland, Oregon, to stay with my mom (until Christmas). Turns out Singapore has a 30 day quarantine, whereas China - if you fly into the right city - does not have quarantine. The catch is we have to fly with her, which is probably better anyway because the Chinese eat all sorts of animals. Someone has got to watch out for poor Dag!
I'll post photos and updates when I can ...