We packed a cooler full of food for the trip. We awoke hoping our food was still cold (neither of us actually wanted to open the cooler for fear the cold air would escape) - or perhaps most importantly, that Chase's yogurt tubes were still frozen...
And then we boarded a small plane...
And an hour later, arrived at last...
Our friend, Jeff, picked us up at the airport.
Our first stop was the house (Jemstone), to catch up with Victoria (who looks like a super model) and the kids (Jack & Olivia).
Over the next eight days, we spent most of our time between the beach and the house.
(Here's my super model friend)
Chase loved the beach...
And when we weren't at the beach, she loved playing at the house.
Here are Olivia and Jack...
Chase overcame her fear of water...
Hubs read books...
And Chase learned to love the sand...
And we went to Mad Dogs ... several times ...
On our last day we went for brunch at Little Dix (a Rockefeller resort).
The grounds are amazing; the beach was beautiful...
Sure going to miss this island...
And the next morning we bid farewell to Virgin Gorda ...