Today started out with a gorgeous PINK scooter (one for Mads, one for Chase), followed by french toast, followed by 2.5 hours of Mandarin school, then to ice cream, then home for spring risotto (lunch) -- then off to school, where Madoc and I joined you to celebrate (with a cake that couldn't have dairy or even frosting, by request of the school - so we made a night sky cake -- blue jello with coconut stars). And then home, where you totally flipped out and started screaming (I blame the blue jello). From there, we ate pizza (yum!) and then watched Lady and the Tramp (in Mandarin).
Your (5) pink roses...
Whoa, long stem...
Then to school, where Madoc joined you...
Your night sky jello cake...
And just before the screaming started...
So we have one more cake to make. This one will be your "real" birthday cake. Also the fourth birthday cake I've made (1. Cupcake cones, 2. Chasecake, 3. Jello night cake). You have requested a lemon cake, but none of the pictures on Martha Stewart, Epicurious or Gourmet seem to please you. They aren't "big" enough. So we will give it a go tomorrow. Should be interesting!
As I was tucking you into bed, I told you the story of Chase's eve, when Mommy went to the hospital on a snowy night in London. And how gorgeous you were. And how I snuggled you up and held you tight and didn't put you down for three years. And how your eyes were filled with wonder on that night. So curious and so brave.
And finally, I asked you, before you went to bed...
"Chase, do you feel older?" You said yes.
"Chase , do you feel taller?" You said yes.
"Chase, do you feel smarter?" You said yes.
And you are - all of these things and so much more.