As Walmart has moved-up it's Christmas efforts, I am following suit. Not for me, but for Chase.
And, as everyone lives in a different state, I wanted to make sure you have up-to-date information to ensure we get (1) clothes that fit her, and (2) toys that Chase will play with...
I will keep a running log of what has been purchased (as far as I know) so that there aren't duplicates. Is that terribly tacky? I dunno.
I like to think it's no worse than bridal and baby registries, right? So here goes...
- Child Easel (Thanks, Karla & Joe!)
- Tobaggon (Thanks, Dad!)
- Dress-up clothes (Thanks, Karla!)
- A music box (with something that moves or dances)
- Art supplies (paints, crayons, pens -all washable/non-toxic)
- Musical instruments
- Anything money related (like a piggy bank she can empty and refill)
- Chinese books/DVDs (found on
- Clothes (size: 2T. Shoes: size 7)
- Books (she loves language books, like 1,000 words in Chinese - which she already has. French & Italian would be fun)
- Anything with Curious George
- Anything that teaches numbers, textures, colors
- Anything that would be fun to play with in a bath tub
- Memory games
Please no...
- Candy