We drove for a while trying to find a "special spot," a place Hubs had found on one of his walks. We missed the entrance the first time around the loop and as the girls were hungry, we pulled over at the next potential picnic spot. If it hadn't been for a slight sewage scent (at the entrance), it would have been a perfect place to return to ...
And for those who haven't been to park in Hong Kong, most of them have exercise equipment.
And then we decided to try again to find Hubby's favorite spot. The promise of salamanders was like rocket fuel.
And then, after winding over hills and through single-lane roads through the jungle, and walking down many stone steps, we found it. And it was absolutely magical. Only a couple people wandered by when we were there. Amazing to have found a spot that wasn't littered with people and garbage on a public holiday.
Hubs showed the girls the fish and the salamanders ...
A lovely shot of Chase ...
And Mads ...
A very interesting reflection shot that I thought Hubs did on purpose, only to find he was as surprised by it as I was.