Okay, so he didn't actually invite us - his mom did.
Back story: We met them at the library when we first moved to Denver, and I immediately felt grateful to know them. As I meet more and more moms, I feel so blessed to have so many different parenting styles to learn from. Linus's mom favors books to TV, organic to non-organic, outdoor to indoor activities and is all about being there for Linus - every minute of every day. She has, perhaps, the closest parenting style to mine.
Here's Linus ... Isn't he cute?
And Chase...
Okay, so the place was MASSIVE. There was an entire floor dedicated to kiddos.
Chase stayed VERY close to me (aka in my arms) for most of the morning. She did make a few exceptions. Like when she wanted to pat the bunny...
And look at the cows...
And play with the sheep, goats and pigs...
Okay, so this part was hilarious. They had a corner of the building fenced off with goats, pigs, lamas and lambs all running about. The kids could spend as much time petting the animals as they wanted. It was brilliant. We would have stayed longer, but my allergies gave me a clear signal it was time to go. (Maybe I'll ask Dada to take her back this weekend - she LOVED it).
And we had to stop to try on hats... (okay, bad picture, but I had to act quickly -she was moving faster than a top)...
All in all it was a good morning. She was exhausted (as was I) by noon. But somehow soldiered through until 4:30 p.m. (queen o' no naps).
But I tell you what, if it was feasible to own a farm where she could run free and play with sheep, pigs and goats, I would do it!