While we were in Portland, we tried to get outside and enjoy the fresh air as much as possible. One day, we visited a farm (can't remember what it's called) - but it was great!
They actually had goats that will climb up into a tree to retrieve food.
Chase in the corn maze
The nut house (A log cabin filled with hazelnuts! Only in Oregon...)
Horse racing
A huge slide
We even managed to catch up with some friends (although sadly I didn't always bring my camera, so Jody and Michael are the lucky ones! So sorry I didn't catch more of my friends and their families - next time!)
We tried to get the girls out as much as possible.
Here we are at the Children's Museum...
We also spent a lot of time a Grampa Mark's house, although for some reason (I blame jet lag), I didn't get pictures of the cookies that took 3 days to make. Or the playing in his beautiful garden. Or the toys on the floor. Or the lunches. I'm sorry, Dad!!!
We stayed with Auntie Lockett, who was kind enough to host us - Thank you so much! We loved, loved, loved seeing our little nephew, Ajax, who is absolutely adorable (but for some reason I didn't get a picture of him, either). I totally blame the jet lag!
A little rest before heading to the East Coast.
Nee Nee (Hub's mom) & Chase
Nana (my mom) & Madoc
Auntie Lockett & Madoc
Nana & Chase