In an effort to cut down on gifts (that she'll use for two minutes, but sadly they'll remain on the planet for hundreds of years), I have re-worked our wish list. Please refer to this list for her birthday as well!
1) Charitable donation:
I heard back from the Denver Zoo. They are willing to take contributions in Chase's honor, donated to zoological funds of your choice (over the next two years) - and when we hit $2,500, they will give her a bench with her name inscribed on it. They are making an exception for us, as the benches usually fund Zoo operations and are usually purchased with a one time gift.
2) Donation to her personal savings account:
Chase has her own savings account. She will get to spend the money however she chooses. I can only imagine what she will buy - her Nana Cris, who was given money when she was young to buy a pretty dress for a party and came home with a monkey instead.
3) Donation to her college fund/long term savings:
We figure we have to save about $200,000 for her to attend the college of her choice. If she gets a scholarship, that's a bonus and she can use any remaining savings for a house (or a monkey). Enough said.
4) Donation to lessons:
Give the gift that keeps giving. Chase is so active. I try to keep her busy, and lessons would be a huge help. Swim lessons. Yoga lessons. Snowboard lessons. Music lessons. Dance lessons. You decide. And just think, she will owe her expertise in that area to you!
5) Books:
This girl reads a lot. I read to her at least 3x per day. She loves books. She loves Blueberries for Sal. Language books. Books about travel (I'm not kidding, she likes "My First Atlas," a book that has a brief description on each country) are favorites.