So we started our baby tour in Maryland, where we introduced Madoc to Grandpa Jim, Grandma Dorthy, Uncle Mike and Janet, Uncle Shawn and Elizabeth, Aunt Michele and - my mom, who flew out to bury her mother's ashes with her husband, my Grandfather Victor Skinner. Here we are going to Baltimore's BYOD (bring your own dog) show.

Chase loved Grampa Jim's screen door. She didn't really get the picture that she wasn't supposed to lean on it.

Here's Chase with Grandma Dorthy (her Great Gran).

Me and Grandma...

My relatives encouraging Chase to play with fire.

Mom and Grandma...

My dear Grampa...

Auntie M...

And of course UNCLE MIKE, who Chase could simply not get enough of!

I kick myself for not taking pictures when we drove Mary The Great's ashes to rest. I have a small video that I may post - if I can figure out how to do it.