The Botanic Gardens have quite a bit of green and a good collection of animals, but they are all in cages with thick, black metal bars, which makes it sort of hard to actual animals.
Both girls really enjoyed themselves. Chase drank half a bottle of water. And by the end we were all on the look-out for the nearest taxi (with AC). And funny enough, we heard Uncle Courtney's song in the car on the way home, and Chase was overjoyed, "it's Uncle Courtney, Uncle Courtney!"
And in other news, it appears Icky has returned. He is with us most days. He was with us on the subway, in the Gardens and in the taxi home.
At the gardens...
The entrance...
One of the many paths up... up... up...
Some flora and fauna...
Lots of stairs... Mads walked up every one of them (as did Chase).
The skyline...
They had a lot of Lemurs. At least 5 kinds.
Mads looking at monkeys...
No spitting (just in case you were tempted)...
Lovely flowers...