And the second photo - Chase came home one day and told me she wanted to make a dragon boat. So we did. Oars and water, too.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Beautiful Girls
This is Chase getting ready for ballet ... it was raining outside, so she needed boots. She is so beautiful.

And the second photo - Chase came home one day and told me she wanted to make a dragon boat. So we did. Oars and water, too.
And the second photo - Chase came home one day and told me she wanted to make a dragon boat. So we did. Oars and water, too.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Dear Sweet Chase
Chase told me on the way home from school that she was planning to live with me when I became a little old lady, and that I would probably look a little funny, but that would be okay. She told me she would be my little old lady mommy (I have no idea where this came from, as we've never talked about it before) and take care of me. She said Madoc would live with us too, in a little old lady house.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Halloween Costume
Chase wants to dress up as a book for Halloween. Take that, Barbie!
I hope she always wants to dress up as a book.
I hope she always wants to dress up as a book.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Sizes And Such
Just a quick update on sizes and such...
Wearing US size 6/7 - growing quickly
Shoes - size 10.5/11
Loves: All things barbie. Princesses and mermaids are a close second. Also loves books. Puzzles are still a good bet, as are all arts/crafts things.
Wearing US size 4/5 - catching up to Chase!
Bottoms - 4 T is a safe bet
Shoes - size 8
Loves: All baby doll things. Loves her carrier, her stroller, her baby's bath tub. Loves taking her baby in the bath tub. Loves painting and getting really dirty. Also water play.
Wearing US size 6/7 - growing quickly
Shoes - size 10.5/11
Loves: All things barbie. Princesses and mermaids are a close second. Also loves books. Puzzles are still a good bet, as are all arts/crafts things.
Wearing US size 4/5 - catching up to Chase!
Bottoms - 4 T is a safe bet
Shoes - size 8
Loves: All baby doll things. Loves her carrier, her stroller, her baby's bath tub. Loves taking her baby in the bath tub. Loves painting and getting really dirty. Also water play.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Such A Big Girl
Chase, my love, when did you get to be such a big girl? You are so sweet and a pleasure to spend time with. It makes me sad you are getting so big, but I am also happy you are finding your independence.
I know the last 20 months have been the hardest - all that growing you've been doing - and getting used to that little sister who keeps pulling mommy in directions other than toward Barbies.
It is hard for me to do things with you when Madoc is pulling me the other way, but my dear girl, it is a good time for this - for you to become more self-sufficient. Please know that even though I don't spend every waking moment with you, I love you with all my heart. I love you so deeply.
I need to give Madoc time so that she can also grow into a lovely girl, just like you. But I will always be with you, no matter what. No matter where you go or what you do. I am so proud of all that you do, all that you are, and all you will be.
Mads At School
So I decided to take pictures from an afternoon at Madoc's school. For family members living far away - and also for my dearest Hubs, who doesn't get to spend afternoons getting hot and sweaty and covered with paint.
First thing you do when you get to school is wash your hands...

Then you pick a baby doll to keep track of for the next two hours...

Then you might enjoy a little time indoors (with A/C!) ...

But really it is all about water play ...

And being outside.

I look forward to it cooling off a bit. But isn't Mads just so darn cute? I love this age.
First thing you do when you get to school is wash your hands...
Then you pick a baby doll to keep track of for the next two hours...
Then you might enjoy a little time indoors (with A/C!) ...
But really it is all about water play ...
And being outside.
I look forward to it cooling off a bit. But isn't Mads just so darn cute? I love this age.
Friday, September 03, 2010
I am long overdue in writing about our helper, Jojo. She is amazing. Wonderful. I learn new things from her every day. Like how to actually keep a house clean. How nice ironed clothes can be (I only know how to iron wrinkles in to clothes). And how, if you don't keep your house clean, you get cockroaches.
She has made my life so different, so much better. Instead of spending time cooking or cleaning, I can spend it with my children - and the house is immaculate. And breakfast is ready when we come downstairs. Snack is ready when Chase comes home from school. And dinner for the adults is ready when we are done putting the children to sleep. Clothes are always clean, ironed and put away. My lingerie is actually folded and ironed. A little weird. But way too good to ask her to stop. Bed linens changed twice per week. I can actually go to doctor/dentist appointments for the first time in four years, without my kids. Oh, and I can shower alone. And it's beginning to feel normal.
And I am, by far, the most hands-on mom I've met here (if I do say so myself). You never know if the other mom will actually be at home if it is only your child is invited over for a play-date. It's really weird. I only let Chase play at three homes, as I know the mom and helpers well. And she is big enough to tell me if there is a problem.
There is a big TV culture here (maybe because it is so hot, or there are so many mozies) - we don't even have a TV (yet). Most moms just leave the TV on, non-stop. And I'm not sure what to do, because I only let Chase watch 4 hours of TV a week. And I try hard to keep Mads away from the TV. Do I talk to the moms and just underscore my weirdness? Probably a good idea, but I'm a little worried that the mom's might just find my request to keep the tv off while we are there a little too crazy - but then if they did, should we be friends? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a little TV, but when it's on all the time?
She has made my life so different, so much better. Instead of spending time cooking or cleaning, I can spend it with my children - and the house is immaculate. And breakfast is ready when we come downstairs. Snack is ready when Chase comes home from school. And dinner for the adults is ready when we are done putting the children to sleep. Clothes are always clean, ironed and put away. My lingerie is actually folded and ironed. A little weird. But way too good to ask her to stop. Bed linens changed twice per week. I can actually go to doctor/dentist appointments for the first time in four years, without my kids. Oh, and I can shower alone. And it's beginning to feel normal.
And I am, by far, the most hands-on mom I've met here (if I do say so myself). You never know if the other mom will actually be at home if it is only your child is invited over for a play-date. It's really weird. I only let Chase play at three homes, as I know the mom and helpers well. And she is big enough to tell me if there is a problem.
There is a big TV culture here (maybe because it is so hot, or there are so many mozies) - we don't even have a TV (yet). Most moms just leave the TV on, non-stop. And I'm not sure what to do, because I only let Chase watch 4 hours of TV a week. And I try hard to keep Mads away from the TV. Do I talk to the moms and just underscore my weirdness? Probably a good idea, but I'm a little worried that the mom's might just find my request to keep the tv off while we are there a little too crazy - but then if they did, should we be friends? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a little TV, but when it's on all the time?
Thursday, September 02, 2010
School In Session
I know I need to post more photos. I know I need to take more photos. The problem is I only have two hands. And way too much is going on.
So Chase started her new school, which she really likes. Unfortunately, she is being hit (again) by another child. Two days in a row. I called the head of school and had a chat with her about it this afternoon. Chase wants to be friends; the little boy doesn't. It makes me so m/sad that she seems to attract, or rather not avoid, children with communication issues. The head of school assured me she would handle it tomorrow. I told Chase that if someone doesn't want to be her friend it is too bad for them - they would be lucky to be her friend. And I reminded her of all of her good friends, and everyone she knows, and how she should always be kind to people, even if they do not want to be friends.
The good news is she likes her school overall. She is really calm, collected and focused when she returns home, rather than crazy and wild, like she was after her last school. She rides the school bus home, which is a big step for her in her big girl world, and something she is really enjoying. I never thought I would ever do it, but she seems so happy to take the bus with the other kids. She said, "Mom, I want to take the bus to school so that I can sit next to my friends." I told her no. I am driving her to school. I put her on the bus from school because I am now shuttling Mads around as well to various play dates and classes, and having Chase have a scheduled ride home (15 mins) is a huge help.
Chase never ceases to amaze me - she drew a "puzzle" for me tonight (I just gave her a pen and paper and asked her to draw) which took my breath away. She took two words and mixed them up. And then she told me I had to unscramble the words. And she is 4-years-old. What 4-year-old does this?
Madoc is now attending two organized playgroups, which feed into kindergarten next year. They are fabulous and amazing. She is loving them. They are all mom-tot programs and are just wonderful. Both focus on learning through play. I wish Chase had had an opportunity to attend them when she was young.
Madoc's first stop is ALWAYS the baby doll section. She then decides which baby doll she is going to carry (and which accessories she needs) with her for the rest of the day. From there, she usually heads to whatever water station is available. This past week, one school had a big water tray with various plastic water creatures and fish nets and the kids "fished" them out. The other school had bunch of plastic water creatures that you could pull out of a water tub and stick them to a plexiglass wall. She ADORES these water activities. From there, we go to painting. Patterns, brushes, you name it. If she can paint it, she will. And then there's the glue station, where the kids get to brush on glue and stick things to it (she doesn't really get this concept yet - I can tell she is wondering why you would use white paint on white paper, and what is mommy doing with the cut pieces of paper and glitter - and why are they sticking to the paper). And then, it's off to something physical - plastic cars, slides, climbers, you name it. And then it's snack time. And then it's music/song/story time, which she isn't so great at sitting still for, but boy does she love to dance and jump. She is soooo sweet.
And now I am finding myself having to apply for Primary 1 for Chase - and K1 for Mads, for Fall 2011. And they are like college applications. Oh my word. I have a large list of supporting documents I am supposed to submit with each application, and then there are interviews and in some cases, placement tests.
And if that isn't enough - Chase broke out in hives on Wednesday. I took her to the doctor, who told me she could be allergic to anything... even the air! She has had minor break outs in the past, but this one has now been with us for 36 hours, far longer than any before. Maybe I should look into getting her allergy tested?
So Chase started her new school, which she really likes. Unfortunately, she is being hit (again) by another child. Two days in a row. I called the head of school and had a chat with her about it this afternoon. Chase wants to be friends; the little boy doesn't. It makes me so m/sad that she seems to attract, or rather not avoid, children with communication issues. The head of school assured me she would handle it tomorrow. I told Chase that if someone doesn't want to be her friend it is too bad for them - they would be lucky to be her friend. And I reminded her of all of her good friends, and everyone she knows, and how she should always be kind to people, even if they do not want to be friends.
The good news is she likes her school overall. She is really calm, collected and focused when she returns home, rather than crazy and wild, like she was after her last school. She rides the school bus home, which is a big step for her in her big girl world, and something she is really enjoying. I never thought I would ever do it, but she seems so happy to take the bus with the other kids. She said, "Mom, I want to take the bus to school so that I can sit next to my friends." I told her no. I am driving her to school. I put her on the bus from school because I am now shuttling Mads around as well to various play dates and classes, and having Chase have a scheduled ride home (15 mins) is a huge help.
Chase never ceases to amaze me - she drew a "puzzle" for me tonight (I just gave her a pen and paper and asked her to draw) which took my breath away. She took two words and mixed them up. And then she told me I had to unscramble the words. And she is 4-years-old. What 4-year-old does this?
Madoc is now attending two organized playgroups, which feed into kindergarten next year. They are fabulous and amazing. She is loving them. They are all mom-tot programs and are just wonderful. Both focus on learning through play. I wish Chase had had an opportunity to attend them when she was young.
Madoc's first stop is ALWAYS the baby doll section. She then decides which baby doll she is going to carry (and which accessories she needs) with her for the rest of the day. From there, she usually heads to whatever water station is available. This past week, one school had a big water tray with various plastic water creatures and fish nets and the kids "fished" them out. The other school had bunch of plastic water creatures that you could pull out of a water tub and stick them to a plexiglass wall. She ADORES these water activities. From there, we go to painting. Patterns, brushes, you name it. If she can paint it, she will. And then there's the glue station, where the kids get to brush on glue and stick things to it (she doesn't really get this concept yet - I can tell she is wondering why you would use white paint on white paper, and what is mommy doing with the cut pieces of paper and glitter - and why are they sticking to the paper). And then, it's off to something physical - plastic cars, slides, climbers, you name it. And then it's snack time. And then it's music/song/story time, which she isn't so great at sitting still for, but boy does she love to dance and jump. She is soooo sweet.
And now I am finding myself having to apply for Primary 1 for Chase - and K1 for Mads, for Fall 2011. And they are like college applications. Oh my word. I have a large list of supporting documents I am supposed to submit with each application, and then there are interviews and in some cases, placement tests.
And if that isn't enough - Chase broke out in hives on Wednesday. I took her to the doctor, who told me she could be allergic to anything... even the air! She has had minor break outs in the past, but this one has now been with us for 36 hours, far longer than any before. Maybe I should look into getting her allergy tested?
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