Second - We bought Chase a Skuut bike. With a little more practice, she'll be able to keep up with us with no problem. On our walk, we ran into Cooper, one of Chase's little beaus.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
In Other News
Second - We bought Chase a Skuut bike. With a little more practice, she'll be able to keep up with us with no problem. On our walk, we ran into Cooper, one of Chase's little beaus.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dear Member,
Yesterday, members tried to deliver our letter--signed by over 21,000 people--to Governor Sarah Palin's office in Washington, D.C. The letter simply asked, "Where do you stand?" on key issues of importance to moms and families.
But, we were turned away at the door.
When pressed, Palin's staff told the group to drop the letter in the mail, refusing to acknowledge the crowd of moms (and adorable baby) who were in the office to hand deliver it.
Snail mail can take a while, and we want to make sure that this election covers more than moose burgers and body surfing. All candidates--male, female, Democrat, Republican, and other--should speak to these issues. Some are, and others aren't (1). So, we're bringing our questions to the next level: getting our questions front and center in the Vice Presidential Debate on October 2nd.
Email PBS Senior Correspondent Gwen Ifill, who will be moderating the debate, to tell her you want these important questions asked:
The team has written five questions we'd like to see posed to both Palin and Biden in that debate (see the questions below (2)). Let's get these questions to the debate moderator so the American public gets a chance to hear both candidates, side-by-side, answering the same questions.
When you click the link above, you'll send a message to Gwen Ifill and cc both of the presidential campaigns to let them know that over 21,000 voters want to hear them talk about these issues (which impact millions of Americans) at the debate.
Tell your friends to email Gwen Ifill, too! She needs to know how deeply important these issues are for millions of Americans--and that we demand they be addressed now!
Thank you!
--Kristin, Joan, Mary, Katie, Laura, Roz, Ashley, and the entire Team
1. MomsRising members are tracking all of the candidates' speeches, tallying any mention of issues that impact moms. See their tallies at
2. Our questions:
* Right now, the birth of a child is the number one cause of a "poverty spell" in America, and 1/4 of families with young children are living in poverty. Do you support a policy to provide paid family and medical leave to parents following birth or adoption of a new child?
* Nearly 1/2 of all full-time, private sector workers in the U.S. have no paid sick days. Do you support a policy to provide paid sick days for workers to use when they or their children get sick?
* In most American families, both parents work outside the home. Please tell us what your administration would do to help parents secure excellent, affordable childcare?
* Studies show that moms are paid 73 cents and single moms are paid about 60 cents to the dollar for doing the exact same job as men. Do you support the Fair Pay Restoration Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?
* A child is born every 41 seconds without healthcare. What kind of Health Care Policy could Americans expect in your administration?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Littlest Skis Ever
Baby #2 Update
Unlike when we had Chase, I feel totally prepared this time around. We have the car seat, the stroller, the baby carrier (that we should have had two years ago), a baby cot, and a baby travel cot (which Nee Nee has volunteered to help us out with).
I have even registered with Babies R Us, so that friends and family who are scratching their heads as the holidays approach have somewhere to go for a list of items we still need. I must also say that while I don't believe in baby or wedding showers, I know people enjoy giving gifts - so gift away if you feel so inclined!
Kitchen - What's Left?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hubs did the backsplash this weekend and it looks terrific. It's SOOO close to done.
The one strange thing that has happened, is that ever since we added a disposal, it's like it tipped the delicate balance in the house. Next thing you know, the wallpaper the last people painted over is going to start falling off (oh let's hope not). Anyway, we've got "burping" happening in the second sink (the one without the dishwasher), and last night we experienced some DISGUSTING burping downstairs, caused somehow by water coming up (with veggie bits) in the sink next to the washing machine (strange but true) and then today, there was water coming back up from our the spot where the soapy water is supposed to go. And then there was the standing water in the bathroom next door to the washing machine (really weird).
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Got Milk?
This news makes me so sad - take something you think should be safe and find out, guess what, it's killing you.
Speaking of which, if you want an interesting read, check out the China Study!
Death toll rises to four as China milk scandal escalates
10 hours ago
BEIJING (AFP) — China's milk scandal escalated dramatically on Thursday as it emerged the illegal chemical blamed for killing four babies had been detected in a wide range of dairy products, leading to mass recalls.
Authorities in mainland China said melamine, the chemical normally used in plastics that was initially found in infant milk powder, was also in regular milk being sold by three of the country's biggest dairy companies.
In the southern territory of Hong Kong, the government there said melamine had been discovered in drinks, ice creams and yoghurt made by Yili, one of the big brands that was selling the contaminated milk on the mainland.
"We urge the public to stop drinking products from the brand," Constance Chan, the head of Hong Kong's Centre for Food Safety, told reporters, after saying melamine was found in eight out of 30 Yili products.
The tainted products in Hong Kong and on the mainland were all being recalled on Thursday.
The discoveries came as Chinese officials reported a fourth baby had died in China's northwest Xinjiang region from drinking infant milk powder contaminated with melamine.
The Xinjiang fatality added to three deaths confirmed on Wednesday by Health Minister Chen Zhu, who also said more than 6,000 babies nationwide had fallen ill.
The scandal had already caused panicked parents around China to besiege hospitals seeking check-ups for their children, and the news that all other types of dairy products may be infected was sure to raise further alarm.
Melamine, banned in foods, was apparently introduced by dairy suppliers in China to give watered-down milk the appearance of having high protein levels.
It then made its way into the baby formula of 22 Chinese dairy firms, authorities said this week.
The three brands identified on Thursday as having melamine in their regular milk were Yili, Mengniu and Guangming, according to a report on the government-run television news station.
Meanwhile Chinese police made 12 more arrests as a probe widened into who added the melamine to the milk, Xinhua news agency reported, bringing the number arrested to 18.
The new arrests came in the northern city of Shijiazhuang, where the dairy manufacturer originally at the centre of the scandal, Sanlu Group, is based.
The mayor of Shijiazhuang was also sacked Thursday, according to Xinhua. Police had also detained the sacked chairwoman of Sanlu on Wednesday.
China's cabinet on Wednesday slammed the dairy industry as "chaotic" and said "flaws" were rife in supervision systems.
Seeking to rectify some of those problems, the government said Thursday it would cancel an eight-year-old system under which food producers could gain exemptions from safety inspections if they had good quality records.
Xinhua said one of the companies utilising that system was Sanlu.
The government also ordered stepped-up tests on livestock feed in an apparent signal of official concern over possible melamine contamination in the wider agricultural sector.
Even before the milk scandal, foreign media investigations had discovered wide use of melamine in China to give livestock feed the appearance of higher protein content.
China has endured a litany of scandals in recent years over dangerous products including food, drugs and toys, many of which were exported.
Two of the 22 milk companies found to have contaminated products exported to Bangladesh, Myanmar and some African countries. However, there has been no evidence yet the tainted products were sold overseas.
While praising China's response since the scandal broke, WHO China representative Hans Troedsson said authorities must determine why it took months for the risks to be made public, even though babies began falling ill several months ago.
"If this was deliberately not reported, that is a serious thing and must be addressed to make sure it is not repeated," Troedsson said.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Changing Eating Habits
I'm not one to jump into a fad diet, in fact, I haven't dieted or much cared about what I ate since college, I've mostly tried to make solid decisions about what I eat day-to-day.
At any rate, after reading three books (again, they found me, I didn't go off looking for them) - (1) Younger Next Year, (2) Culinary Medicine and (3) The China Study, I am seriously considering the Macrobiotic lifestyle.
I've asked Hubs to read the 1st and the 3rd and let me know what he thinks. But I think it basically comes down to how to eat to live a long, healthy life.
Potty Training Update
First day, five pairs of pants. For the past four days - no accidents. None.
(Knock wood it continues)
Eager Reader
Kitchen Remodel Update
We are happy to report we are nearing the end of our project. Hubs is probably happiest, as the only major things left to do are the backsplash and a cookbook nook. There is also just the smallest amount of painting left (thank goodness). I've already told Hubs that after the baby comes he'll never have to paint anything again.
Also happy to report we pretty much stayed on budget. We did end up needing to replace the window over the sink - it's on order. And we will likely give each other a stainless dishwasher for Christmas (oh how romantic). We're also on the look-out for a eat-in kitchen table, although I'm pushing to move one of our couches into the eat-in space and making it an ultra comfy nook.
We're pretty pleased that we managed to update the kitchen and make it feel like it belongs with the house.
And a special thanks to Nee Nee Kar Kar who has agreed to make curtains for the window over the sink and the long window at the back of the eat-in space. I found lovely french tapestry (looking) curtains that I'm loving!
Next time I post pictures it should be done!
And of course -- Silestone countertops...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Itch
I'm talking about the itch to move. We're both feeling it.
Singapore? Seattle? Boston (the city Hubs and I both feel is our home away from home)?
Here's the thing. If/when we move, we would/should do it in the Spring of next year, because we really should be *somewhere* we could be for a good while once Chase starts school.
Why not stay in Denver? For me, there's no ocean. And I'm really feeling it. I can't explain it, but I've talked to other people and they "know" the feeling. Hubs is a great sport and always game for a new adventure. So we just need to find somewhere that has an ocean and mountains - oh and a good economy.
The Weight
And they weighed me. I have to say that I think the British really have it right by not weighing women during their pregnancy - and basically not even caring. I wonder what the doctor would do if I refused to be weighed, like a toddler refusing to eat spinach.
So I thought I could handle any number they threw at me, but I guess I can't. I was horribly upset yesterday afternoon, and even this morning. The doctor, by the way, said I'm on track for the average American when it comes to weight gain. But have you seen the average American lately? So I've totally lost my appetite. I can't bear the thought of eating. I'm sure it will pass, and it's not like I didn't invite it in - by basically eating anything and everything I wanted until now, which included about a half a cake over the course of four days.
So the buck stops here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Potty Training
So I told her that the make-believe diaper fairy was coming. And that if she put her diapers outside her bedroom, she would get presents and the fairy would re-distribute the old diapers to other children that needed them.
Interestingly, on diaper-free Day 1, she had 5 accidents. On day 2, she had 1 accident. Today, day 3, she had no accidents and she really seems to be getting the hang of it. I guess time will tell.
a - MAZE - ing
Berry Picking

Monday, September 08, 2008
Blogger's Choice Awards
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Chase's Great Grand Dad Victor's Frock
I have baby-brain big time ,so I forgot my camera ALL WEEK LONG.
Mom had a copy of a frock her father had worn as a child. There are pictures of him, pictures of her and a picture of me in the same dress. And now there are (multiple) pictures of Chase wearing it, too. I finally got it together and took pictures. So there are a lot here!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Big Smile
We were at Home Depot, paying for the counter (which has yet to be installed) and the woman behind the counter gave Chase a pink pen and yellow post-it note. Chase drew a picture of the woman - the woman took it and stapled it to her orange apron with pride. Chase then drew a picture of herself and stuck it onto her dress and wore it for the rest of the day.
I must say, her drawings are really impressive (said the crazy proud mom of her daughter).