Today's Gymboree music class was madness. But I couldn't stop laughing.
There were about 3x as many kids (maybe because it is getting warmer?), so the classroom was hot, hot, hot. The usual instructor (a Mary Poppins from the
Which brings me to the madness. So while the Chinese opera singer is singing "three little kittens have lost their mittens," the room was getting warmer and warmer. The kids were all over the place. Some were happy, while a couple were crying. By the end of the class, Chase's cheeks were bright pink and her hair was wet and starting to stick to her head (poor dear).
Long Long (all Chinese babies have double names), my favorite little Chinese boy, who looks like a drunken sailor when we walks, kept me laughing. He's not afraid of the big white woman, like some of the little kids. He is always dressed in designer labels (as is his mum).
Chase also met Vincent today. His mother is Chinese and his father is European. He's a cutie and his mom already told me that Chase is not allowed to have any boyfriends except Vincent. Totally cute.
And then, at the end of the class, I was invited to a neighbors flat for a play date this afternoon. Whoa! The Chinese women stick together, so I was surprised and delighted. Only problem is, she doesn't speak ANY English. (This will be interesting! I have to say, I don't know her name or her son's name - he was dressed in pink and yes, I thought he was a girl - my bad again!)
And finally, to make everything just slightly more comical, I have no pants that fit. My pants are all too big so I am constantly trying to pull them up when I sit down, so as not to expose anything to those looking on from behind. Naturally, when I stand up, they get all bunched up, so I have to pull them down. It's ridiculous. Meanwhile, most of the other moms are in Gucci.
I think it's time for a makeover!
As I start thinking about Chase's birthday, I can't help but think of the birthdays that my parents so lovingly pulled together for me.
I remember that one of my birthdays, long ago, was held on a farm. I don't remember much about it, except there were all sorts of games and a scavenger hunt for socks. I think the ones I found were florescent green (gotta love the 80's).
I also remember my father going to great lengths to throw "surprise parties" for me. And, while I sure appreciated it (thanks, Dad!), I never really liked having surprise parties.
There's just something about being an insecure little girl and having your e-n-t-i-r-e class attend a function hosted by your parents that is "like, sooooo embarrassing." This embarrassment, is of course heightened when boys you have crushes on are invited, attend, and you show up to your own party, in just-going-to-the-grocery-store clothes.
Now, as a parent, I can certainly understand the concept of a surprise party. I can see how fun it would be to plan. I can just imagine the look of surprise (aka shock and embarrassment) on my own little girl's face years from now. And of course, this would mean that I did a good job, because she never saw it coming.
And so, as I contemplate what kind of birthday party throwing parent I'm going to be - and what to do for Chase's first birthday - I realize that whether she likes it or not, her first birthday will, in fact, be a surprise party.
The funny thing is, I can tell her a thousand times, buy the presents and decorations in front of her, and she will still be surprised on the day. How fun is that? Maybe this will be the only surprise party I throw. Hmmm, maybe not - it's just too much fun.
Sorry little darling! Surprises are in your future. But don't worry, I'll be sure to drop hints, like "Sweetheart, why don't you wear that sparkly pink party dress to the grocery store."
After a lazy week at home (mostly spent inside because everything is closed due to Chinese New Year celebrations), we decided to check out the pool.
Admittedly, it has taken us far longer than originally expected to get our tails to the pool (even though it is less than a 5 min walk from our front door), as we had to (1) buy Chase a new bathing suit, (2) buy Hubs a new bathing suit, and of course (3) get motivated to get into the bathing suits - it is February, after all.
While Hubs swam laps, Chase and I checked out the warm water pools (the water is piped in from the
And, while I didn't get a chance to swim laps, I got my work out trying to wriggle out of a wet bathing suit while holding a squirmy, wet baby, with a huge, wet diaper; trying not to let her touch the floor. Finally, I threw down a towel and let her stand on it, while I quickly pulled dry clothes on. Now that's a workout.
Chase slept so well last night. It was great.
I see much more pool time in our future.
I’m what some might call a jag eater. That is to say, when I get a craving for something I have to eat it until the craving is gone. Not in a bulimic, eat all the cookies in a package until I’m sick kind of way, but in a eat a couple cookies every day kind of way. Eventually, I lose the craving and move on to something else. It doesn’t happen all the time, every day, but when it does happen, I just have to eat whatever it is until I get it out of my system.
At any rate, when I arrived in
So now I find myself in a hard spot, because while Chinese food is good, inexpensive and plentiful, I am craving thai curry, indian food, French, Italian ... Anything but Chinese ...
Last night was Chinese New Year's Eve. The house was sparkling clean (for good luck), the knives and scissors were put away (to keep from cutting the good luck), there were three unopened lilies amid a bouquet of many more (one bloomed today signifying we are bound to have a prosperous year – hurray!), I had frozen dumplings ready to go for New Years day (good luck), and a bowl of oranges (for good luck and wealth).
The fireworks started around
I’m finding it difficult to describe what it’s like to have massive fireworks going on outside your window for 6 hours. After about the first hour, it all turned into white noise. But it’s not over, yet.
I believe there will be more fireworks tonight and the “big” fireworks display, which will take place quite close to our apartment, is scheduled for Monday night.
Given the sheer quantity of huge fireworks (being set off in the streets and parking lots nearby), I’m pretty sure that the average Joe can purchase the same fireworks that are used in most professional displays in the
And so today was pretty mellow. Most shops and restaurants were closed. There were very few taxis out and about. We spent the day on the couch. Trying to figure out what we are going to do for the rest of the week.
Traditionally, the Chinese spend the entire week with their families. This means that very few places are open. And so, while we have this whole week to ourselves, we are coming up short on what we should do with this time. We were thinking about going to
Stay tuned...
Happy Valentines Day to all! Love is in the air, couples are everywhere. I'm happy to report that Chase had her act together enough to send out a couple valentines (via Grandma Aiya). I, on the other hand, did not get my act together to make today extra-special for the man I love.
I seriously need a time machine.
Sadly, I can't help thinking about my deceased gran, Mary the Great, who would be celebrating her 99th birthday today, if she was still alive. I miss her. And so, in memory of her on this day, I will tell my favorite granny birthday story (do I remember this properly, mom?).
My mom took my grandmother out to a nice restaurant to celebrate her 98th birthday. My mom made sure to inform the wait staff that it was her birthday, so that they would pay special attention to her. One of the waiters, who had only the best intentions, made a huge deal about her birthday, which, of course, my demure grandmother hated. The wait staff sang happy birthday and then, when everyone in the restaurant was focused on her, the waiter asked her, "so what's your secret to long life?"
My gran coolly replied (with slightly pursed, perfectly painted lips) "minding my own business."
The entire house should be cleaned before New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, all brooms, brushes, dusters, dust pans and other cleaning equipment are put away. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on New Year's Day for fear that good fortune will be swept away.
Prior to New Year's Day, Chinese families decorate their living rooms with vases of pretty blossoms, platters of oranges and tangerines and a candy tray with eight varieties of dried sweet fruit. On walls and doors are poetic couplets, happy wishes written on red paper. These messages sound better than the typical fortune cookie messages. For instance, "May you enjoy continuous good health" and "May the Star of Happiness, the Star of Wealth and the Star of Longevity shine on you" are especially positive couplets.
Other highly prized flowers are the pussy willow, azalea, peony and water lily or narcissus.
The Chinese firmly believe that without flowers, there would be no formation of any fruits. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to have flowers and floral decorations. They are the emblems of reawakening of nature, they are also intimately connected with superstition and with the wish for happiness during the ensuing year.
The candy tray - arranged in either a circle or octagon is called "The Tray of Togetherness" and has a dazzling array of candy to start the New Year sweetly. After taking several pieces of candy from the tray, adults places a red envelope (lai see) on the center compartment of the tray. Each item represents some kind of good fortune.
Everything you eat means something …
* Candied melon - growth and good health
* Red melon seed - dyed red to symbolize joy, happiness, truth and sincerity
* Lychee nut - strong family relationships
* Cumquat - prosperity (gold)
* Coconut - togetherness
* Peanuts - long life
* Longnan - many good sons
* Lotus seed - many children
* In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food. The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household.
Once your house is properly decorated, the festivities can begin:
The first day of the Lunar New Year is "the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth." Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.
On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.
The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law.
The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.
On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health.
The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.
On the eighth day the
The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.
The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.
The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night.
Some Chinese Superstitions:
Year of the Pig Predictions:
So what should we expect in the Year of the Pig? The following is from Sherman Tai, Fortune Teller & Feng Shui Master (http://www.shermantai.com/eng/shermantai_bio.html ).
“The year of the Pig entails a lot of changes and a lot of opposition. There is constant gossip and disagreements; it is rebellious year. But don’t forget those who are highly successful and wealthy arose from tough competition and change, so therefore, we must be bold, have ambition and wisdom. When you see danger, do not proceed; plan carefully then take action. Work hard, take advantage of networking and opportunity, then you may find that career and finance can be within your grasp.
The I Ching (ancient Chinese text) tells us how to live life. It says that before the brightness comes, it must be dark; therefore, before success can be obtained, there must work hard. In the year of the Pig, you must have a good understanding of yourself; know what you are capable and not capable of. Don’t do bad things. Be humble, hard working and be wise. When those above and below cooperate, the sun can rise from the ground. The year of the Pig is a year where it is initially difficult, then good. When good comes to you, don’t be too careless and arrogant; make friends and be modest. With everything, you must ask more, learn more, and do more.
Though there is disarray, there won’t be major disasters or wars. Infectious diseases won’t be as serious (ie. SARS, flu pandemic), but people will still need to tend to their health. In general, the year of the Pig is good. Stability is winning. As long as people cooperate with each other, and not be too ambitious and arrogant, then everything going smoothly is peace for the people. In general, finance and economy is good.
In the past two years, banking, economy, and business activity flourished. Productivity and living standards were increasing. Unemployment rate was at a low. Most importantly, inflation was low. However, property values were high in both East and West coast increased by over 15%. The Dow Jones will increase over 11,000 points. What I have predicted in the past was correct. However, for people, things are not always good for a thousand days and flowers do not stay red for over a hundred days.”
A couple things he notes about the American economy:
· In 2007 there will be initially some increase in interest rates, approximately 0.5 – 0.75%, and then it may decrease by about 1-1.25%, so that averaged, there is a 0.5% decrease, producing a soft landing at the end of fall.
· In autumn, the economy will be more stable, so the last half of 2007 is where the American economy begins to recover. Buying power of the people will be weak. Housing prices will slowly decline. Depending on location, property values may be decrease by 5-8% decrease.
· Natural resources will decline in value, which will slow down the rate of decline of the American economy.
· This year, crude oil may drop below $60 USD a barrel, though will fluctuate between $58 and $68 USD, and gold, to $580 USD/ounce to $640 USD.
· For the small investor, don’t invest unless you have a lot of money. It is advised to wait until after autumn when the economy and financial market is more stable, before coming up with new investments.
· If you insist on investing in US stocks this year, consider science/technology, medical, mining, and finance/banking. The American dollar will not be very strong in the year of the Pig. USD to Euro will range approximately from 1.27 to 1.3. Therefore, USD to ren men bi will be approximately 7.8 to 7.78.
· Attitudes towards the
· Safety of the people will not be good. Public shootings, school shootings, and robberies will be more frequent and prevalent.
· Government and financial scene may have a scandal. Corporate crimes will be more than before.
· There will also be more natural disasters in 2007, in particular fire, flood, and tornado disasters, and especially in the north and southeast, be aware of major accidents and disasters.
As mentioned in previous posts, the transportation situation in
And then there's the fact that taxis view red lights as decorative objects, pedestrians as nuisances, and sidewalks as elevated highways.
This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to actually leave my apartment. The fact is, I have to get Chase to/from appointments, I have to go shopping, and I have to do this all without a car seat. It makes me ill just thinking about it. So I try really hard not to.
The good news, is that hubs is working on securing a car and driver, which will actually provide safe transport (yes, we have a car seat that is ready to go!). He has been working with an agent to determine which cars are in our price range - but they must include a driver, as we have heard that Western drivers are often targets. You end up in court, and of course you can't understand a thing, and are taken for everything. Not fun. Plus all signs are in Chinese. Sure, we navigated through
So Hubs had four cars pull up in front of his office yesterday. With two representatives from each car company. He sat in the back of each, determined how much leg room/head room each offered, etc. Sadly, the one I was rooting for ended up being the one with the least headroom (he couldn't even sit up straight in it!).
After a thorough investigation of each, with a huge party of car representatives taking note of his every move, he almost decided on one. But it wasn't the car he wanted. So, he contacted another party to see if he could get a better deal on the car he wanted, and presto, change-o, it looks like we can get the car he wants - and it is within our price range. Fab-U.
So come Febbie, we'll have a safe mode of transport. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that - although I must say, I won't miss the driving on the sidewalk, the move to outrun a trolley in a lane with oncoming traffic, making a right across oncoming traffic from a far left lane ... I wish I could get some good action photos, but really you must be in the car as it can only be enjoyed if you are in a zen state.
Today's Mandarin lesson is about numbers.
The numbers 1-10 are extremely important. Once you know them, you can, of course, count and tell time. Unlike romance languages and English, where you have to learn different words for days of the week and months in a year, the Chinese base these words on the number of the day within the week, and the month within the year. Example: the word for 1, is yi. Monday is xingqi yi. January is yiyue.
It's worth mentioning here that the number two is a tricky, tricky number. It's tricky because it is pronounced er, but if you talk about 2 of something, the number is pronounced liang.
While we are still talking numbers, I must admit I am currently fascinated with "measure words." You can't just say two elephants. You have to use the word zuo (which indicates you are talking about big things, like buildings or elephants - the example given in my phrase book) between the word two and the word elephants.
Other measure words include ba (chairs, knives, teapots, tools or implements with handles), bei (drinking receptacles), zhang (flat things - tickets, envelopes), duo (flowers - blossoms, not plants), tiao (long things - fish, snakes, rivers), zhi (non-descript animals - cats, dogs, chickens - I kid you not this is the example in my phrase book) and ke (trees).
I have to wonder who came up with that idea. Seriously.
I have developed a real appreciation for absolute silence.
While I was living in
When we lived in
Anyway, as I sit here typing, the only real sound I can hear, besides the soft buzz of Chase's baby monitor, is my own typing and the whir of the fan in my computer. And I love it. I love how quiet it is.
And then Chase will wake up and coo, and laugh, and giggle, and sing - and I would not trade this for the world - and I'll forget all over again what it was like to sit in absolute silence.